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爱游戏官网环保股份有限爱游戏官网简介 爱游戏官网驻足中原,根植新乡,南临黄河,北倚太行。自建设以来,企业以绿色谋划为宗旨,致力于情形治理与生态修复,秉持“为人类情形和低碳经济做孝顺”的理念,坚守“效劳生态情形;ぁ钡某跣,起劲肩负天下以致全球多元化环保手艺交流宣传之使命切记习总书记“绿水青山就是金山银山”主要指示,为“一带一起”沿线国家和地区的生态情形建设做出起劲。 企业在做大做强的同时,始终不忘回报社会,爱游戏官网环保心怀兼济,再接再厉,加入更多社会公益事业,转达“贡献、友好、相助、前进”的自愿效劳精神。经由数年的稳步生长,公司融合了海内外先进的环保手艺和装备,拥有富厚的实践履历、水处置惩罚手艺运用型人才组成的科研团队,形成了完善的设计、制造、工程效劳系统,能够为差别行业的宽大客户提供种种性子的废水、废气、监测等治理一站式效劳,公司拥有科技效果及盘算机软著多项,专利证书七十余项;在造纸、印染、化工、化纤、皮革、制药、食物、养殖等种种工业废水及市政生涯污水处置惩罚工程有凌驾2000家以上的业绩用户。公司主营种种工业、市政废水废气的总承包、中水回用、海水淡化、黑臭水体治理、智慧环保、在线监测、生物除臭、VOCs治理、成套环保装备的生产制造(污泥脱水机,气浮机,刮吸泥机,种种推流搅拌器,潜水搅拌式曝气机,推流搅拌式曝气机,MBR一体化装备,粗细格栅,生物滤池,消毒装备,臭氧装备,种种过滤装备,加药装置,厌氧塔,芬顿塔,螺旋运送装备,挤浆装备,制浆造纸等非标加工装备)。公司以高品质产品打响自主品牌,产品远销亚洲、非洲、欧洲、大洋洲、北美洲、南美洲等70多个国家和地区。爱游戏官网环保拥有“国家高新手艺企业”、“国家科技型中小企业”、河南省“专精特新”中小企业、环保专业承包贰级资质、市政公用工程承包贰级资质证书,并且通过了ISO9001、ISO14001和ISO45001认证、知识产权贯标认证、中国贸促会出口商品品牌认证、CGS欧盟CE清静及格证书、俄罗斯EAC认证证书以及TUV德国莱茵公司认证,2020年爱游戏官网环保荣获抗击新冠疫情天下先进民营企业,2021年被认定为新乡市高盐化工废水处置惩罚工程手艺研究中心,2022年荣获河南环保工业十大品牌、建设新乡市工业废水处置惩罚工业手艺立异战略同盟。2023年建设河南省机械工程学会会企事情站;2024年荣获中国民营科技生长孝顺奖。“不忘初心,砥砺前行”在新时代的召唤下,我们切记习总书记“绿水青山就是金山银山”的主要指示,为情形;ず偷吞季米龀銎鹁,朝着“具有国际竞争力的多元化工业集团”和“打造基业长青的百年企业”的雄伟愿景奋力前行。民族再起中国梦,生态文明新时代,历史付与我们新的使命,爱游戏官网环保将审时度势、凝心聚力,一直提升公司综合实力,为;と死嗦躺以白龀鲂⑺。 Introduction to Qiankun Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.Qiankun Environmental Protection Join Stock Co., Ltd. is rooted in the Central Plains and established in Xinxiang, bordering the Yellow River to the south and the Taihang Mountains to the north. Since its establishment, the company has been committed to environmental governance and ecological restoration with the aim of green operations. Adhering to the philosophy of "contributing to human environment and low-carbon economy" and staying true to the original intention of "serving ecological and environmental protection," the company actively shoulders the mission of promoting and disseminating diversified environmental protection technologies nationwide and even globally. Remembering General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets," the company strives to contribute to the ecological and environmental construction of countries and regions along the Belt and Road.While growing stronger and larger, the company has never forgotten to repay society. With a compassionate heart and continued efforts, Qiankun Environmental Protection actively participates in more social welfare causes and promotes the spirit of volunteer service, namely "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress."After years of steady development, the company has integrated advanced domestic and foreign environmental protection technologies and equipment. With a wealth of practical experience and a research team composed of professionals skilled in water treatment technology, it has formed a comprehensive design, manufacturing, and engineering service system. The company is capable of providing one-stop services for the treatment of various types of wastewater, exhaust gas, and monitoring for customers in different industries. The company boasts numerous scientific and technological achievements, computer software copyrights, and over 70 patent certificates. It has achieved more than 2,000 successful cases in various industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment projects, including papermaking, printing and dyeing, chemicals, chemical fibers, leather, pharmaceuticals, food, and aquaculture.The company's main business includes general contracting for various industrial and municipal wastewater and exhaust gas treatment projects, water reuse, seawater desalination, treatment of black and odorous water , smart environmental protection, online monitoring, biological deodorization, VOCs treatment, and the manufacturing of complete sets of environmental protection equipment (such as sludge dehydrators, DAF machines, sludge scrapers, various flow agitators, submersible mixing aerators, mixed-flow agitating aerators, MBR integrated equipment, coarse and fine screens, biological filters, disinfection equipment, ozone equipment, various filtering equipment, dosing devices, anaerobic towers, Fenton towers, spiral conveyors, pulp extruding equipment, pulp and paper making non-standard processing equipment, etc.).With high-quality products, the company has established its independent brand, and its products are exported to over 70 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America, and South America.Qiankun Environmental Protection holds the titles of "National High-tech Enterprise," "National Technology-based SME," "Specialized and Sophisticated" SME in Henan Province, as well as qualifications for environmental protection professional contracting and municipal utility engineering contracting. The company has also obtained certifications such as ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001, intellectual property management system certification, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade's export brand certification, CGS EU CE safety certification, Russian EAC certification, and TUV Rheinland certification. In 2020, Qiankun Environmental Protection was honored as a national advanced private enterprise in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, it was recognized as the Engineering Technology Research Center for High-salt Chemical Wastewater Treatment in Xinxiang City. In 2022, it was awarded one of the Top Ten Brands in Henan's Environmental Protection Industry and established the Strategic Alliance for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Technological Innovation in Xinxiang. In 2023, it set up a workstation for the Henan Provincial Society of Mechanical Engineering. In 2024, it achieved the China Private Technology Development Contribution Award."Remain true to our original aspiration and forge ahead with determination." Under the call of the new era, we remain faithful to General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and strive to contribute to environmental protection and low-carbon economy. We are committed to moving forward towards our grand vision of becoming an internationally competitive diversified industrial group and building a century-old enterprise with enduring success.With the national rejuvenation and the Chinese Dream, as well as the new era of ecological civilization, history has entrusted us with a new mission. Qiankun Environmental Protection will assess the situation, unite efforts, and continuously enhance the company's overall strength to contribute to the protection of our green home for humanity.
6008 万元注册资金
50 余专利证书
2000 家效劳客户
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